315-317 N L Street is listed as a contributing structure in the North Slope Historic District. Assessor records indicate that the house was built in 1910, but Sanborn maps suggest that the true year of construction may have been as early as 1890. In 1917, the home at 317 N L Street was purchased by George and Minnie Halliday. According to the Tacoma Daily Ledger, building permits were issued for the address in April of that year, likely in connection with an expansion of the structure and/or conversion into the fourplex that exists today. George Halliday died in 1921, and advertisements for the Halliday Apartments appeared in local newspapers as early as September of that year.
Minnie Halliday continued to own, occupy and manage the apartment building, first on her own and then with her second husband Frank Wintermote, a retired lumberman. When Frank died in 1940, Minnie moved to Seattle to live with her daughter Lucille. Minnie Halliday died in 1949. Given its inclusion on the local and national registers of historic places, the Halliday Apartments may be eligible for significant property tax benefits.